Woods for All
Woods for All was set up by Reforesting Scotland in 1997 as part of the Millennium Forest for Scotland. The aim of Woods for All was to encourage access for disabled people to and within woodland sites and projects throughout Scotland. It was intended to work with and for people with the widest possible range of disability and handicap - wheelchair users, the blind and the deaf, young people with learning difficulties, the infirm, and people with mental health problems.
The objective of the project was that through all manner of initiatives throughout Scotland, people who can benefit from and contribute to the movement are not restricted by the physical and social barriers that accompany disability.
By being encouraged and assisted to enter and enjoy natural and semi-natural woodlands, and to participate in planting and management, physical health is enhanced. This access and participation is therapeutic to people with emotional and mental problems. People with a disability learn new skills, increasing their quality of life and sense of purpose, and their understanding of the natural environment. By gaining skills in woodland management, woodland crafts and interpretation, disabled people increase their employment opportunities and independence.
Woods for All created a network of participants throughout Scotland, representing a wide array of experience and skills, people with a disability, forest managers, care staff, woodworkers, tree growers, community development workers, students and artists.
Project outputs
Woods for All resulted in a number of publications (see below).
Through Woods for All, Reforesting Scotland was a partner in the Aberdeenshire Disability Active Pathway Trails (ADAPT).
Our access and inclusion work continues to go from strength to strength, via the Blarbuie Woodland Enterprise, and the expertise gained over the years is available on a consultancy basis.
Woods for All publications
Woods for All was involved in a number of publications during 2002. The Cairngorms Partnership (now known as the Cairngorms National Park Authority) published an access survey report which was undertaken by Woods for All. Two access survey reports based on surveys of woods in the Grampian and Lothian and Borders regions were published (available on audio cassettes). Three video films showing the history and wildlife of some woods in Scotland were also produced by Woods for All and published in 2002.
Woods for All subsequently produced the very popular Tree Identification for Everyone resource packs.