About Reforesting Scotland
Scotland was once a well-forested country with a culture tied closely to trees and woodlands. Now much of the forest has been lost and enviornmental pressures, including climate change, threaten what remains. But Reforesting Scotland believes that it is not too late to reverse this situation.
Our vision
Our vision involves the creation of a well-forested and productive landscape as well as a culture which values the contribution that trees and woods bring to our lives. Since its beginnings in 1991, Reforesting Scotland has helped bring about a transformation in the way we, as a nation, view Scotland's forest resource and the level to which communities have become involved in manageing their local woodlands.
Our aims
Reforesting Scotland aims to:
- Promote a sustainable forest culture and economy in a well-forested land
- Develop the use of locally-produced forest goods and services
- Encourage social and ecological restoration in forests and in wider land use
- Raise awareness of the benefits of low-energy living based on woodland resources
- Place the Scottish forestry situation in an international context
Projects, networking - and membership
Reforesting Scotland is a membership organisation encouraging free and open debate on a wide range of forest and land issues. Over the years we have provided practical advice and support through projects in a number of areas including:
- Sustainable harvest of non-timber forest products
- Access to woodlands for all
- Community awareness and management of woodland resources
- Buildings in the forest
The annual Reforesting Scotland Gathering provides the opportunity for members to meet and share ideas and experiences in an informal and sociable atmosphere. Members also have an egroup through which to communicate throughout the year.
Through its international networking, Reforesting Scotland links with people-focused projects throughout the world, particularly among the temperate and boreal forest zones.
As a grassroots charity we are looking for new members who can help us take up the challenges that face Scotland's native forests and woodland culture in the future. Whatever your interest, be it as a tree grower, a craft worker, a designer of buildings, or simply as a supporter of Reforesting Scotland's aims, join Reforesting Scotland and help practical work towards the regeneration of Scotland's land and communities.